


  •  高速核分裂反応装置(要は核爆〇)の反応を点対称な球体とみなして1D化した数理モデルの論文を見つけたのを機に,シミュレーションモデルを作成してみた.動作し,定性的な時間応答は元論文に類似したものとなっているものの,定量的には様々乖離がみられるものとなった.恐らく計算に用いた定数/parameterに誤りがある事が疑われる.







      N 0 : initial neutron number density [ 1 ] E fiss : energy released by single fission reaction [ 2 ] γ : pressure parameter [ 3 ] ν : secondary neutrons [ 4 ] σ f : fission cross section of fissile material [ 5 ] σ el : elastic scattering cross section [ 6 ] n 0 : initial nuclear number density [ 7 ] r 0 : initial core radius [ 8 ] v neut : average neutron speed [ 9 ] N_0: initial neutron number density dotsaxis [1] newline E_fiss: energy released by single fission reaction dotsaxis [2] newline γ: pressure parameter dotsaxis [3] newline ν: secondary neutrons dotsaxis [4] newline σ_f: fission cross section of fissile material dotsaxis [5] newline σ_el: elastic-scattering cross section dotsaxis [6] newline n_0: initial nuclear number density dotsaxis [7] newline r_0: initial core radius dotsaxis [8] newline v_neut: average neutron speed dotsaxis [9]


      E : cumulative nergy released [ 1 ] V core : core volume [ 2 ] v core : speed of core expansion τ : average time neutron will travel before causing fission [ 3 ] α : criticality parameter [ 4 ] r : radius of core [ 5 ] p core : pressure of core [ 6 ] d core : critical radius [ 7 ] λ core fiss : mean free path between fissions [ 8 ] λ core trans : transport mean free path for neutrons [ 9 ] σ t : transport cross section [ 10 ] n : nuclear number density [ 11 ] n nuke : number of nucleous [ 12 ] K core : kinetic energy of core [ 13 ] E: cumulative nergy released dotsaxis [1] newline V_core: core volume dotsaxis [2] newline v_core: speed of core expansion newline τ: average time neutron will travel before causing fission dotsaxis [3] newline α: criticality parameter dotsaxis [4] newline r: radius of core dotsaxis [5] newline p_core: pressure of core dotsaxis [6] newline d_core: critical radius dotsaxis [7] newline λ_{core fiss}: mean free path between fissions dotsaxis [8] newline λ_{core trans}: transport mean free path for neutrons dotsaxis [9] newline σ_t: transport cross section dotsaxis [10] newline n: nuclear number density dotsaxis [11] newline n_nuke: number of nucleous dotsaxis [12] newline K_core: kinetic energy of core dotsaxis [ 13 ]


      dE dt = ( N 0 V core E fiss τ ) e ( α τ ) t [ 1 ] V core = 4 3 πr 3 [ 2 ] dv core dt = 4 πr 2 γE V core m core [ 3 ] dK core dt = p dV dt [ 4 ] p core ( t ) = γE ( t ) V core ( t ) [ 5 ] d core = λ core fiss λ core trans 3 ( α + ν 1 ) [ 6 ] ( r / d core ) cot ( r / d core ) + ( 3 d core / 2 λ core trans ) ( r / d core ) 1 = 0 [ 7 ] τ = λ core fiss v neut [ 8 ] λ core fiss = 1 σ f n [ 9 ] λ core trans = 1 σ t n [ 10 ] σ t = σ f + σ el [ 11 ] n = n nuke / V core [ 12 ] n nuke = n 0 4 3 π r 0 3 [ 13 ] {dE} over {dt}= ( frac {N_{0}V_{core}E_{fiss} } {τ} ) func e^{ ( {α} wideslash {τ} ) t} dotsaxis [1] newline V_core= frac {4} {3}πr^{3} dotsaxis [2] newline frac {dv_core} {dt}= frac {4πr^2 γE} {V_core m_core} dotsaxis [3] newline frac {dK_core} {dt}= p frac {dV} {dt} dotsaxis [4] newline p_{ core }( t )= frac {γE (t) } {V_{core} (t) } dotsaxis [5] newline d_{core}= sqrt{ frac {λ_{core fiss}λ_{core trans}} {3 (-α+ν-1) } } dotsaxis [6] newline ( r / d_core ) cot( r / d_core )+( 3d_core / 2λ_{core trans} ) ( r / d_core )-1=0 dotsaxis [7] newline τ= frac {λ_{core fiss}} {v_neut} dotsaxis [8] newline λ_{core fiss} = {1} over {σ_f n} dotsaxis [9] newline λ_{core trans}= frac {1} {σ_{t}n} dotsaxis [10] newline σ_{ t }=σ_{ f }+σ_{ el } dotsaxis [11] newline n= n_nuke / V_core dotsaxis [12] newline n_nuke= n_0 * frac {4} {3} π r_0^3 dotsaxis [13]
    出展: Student-level numerical simulation of conditions inside an exploding fission-bomb core; Bruce Cameron Reed; Department of Physics Alma College, Alma, USA




    Parameter settings

     本シミュレーションに用いる各parameterの値を示す.事項の通り,シミュレーションの手量的結果に元論文と大きく異なる所があるのは,これらの設定値に誤りがある可能性が高い.(詳しい方が居れば,コメントかモデルを公開しているgithubのissue discussionを通して指摘/アドバイス頂ければ幸いだ.)
    1. N0: 1/(4/3*π*(4.5/100)^3) [1/m3]
    2. Efiss: 180*10^6*1.602176634*10^(-19) [J]
    3. γ: 1/3 [nond]
    4. ν: 2.43 [nond]
    5. σf: 1.199*10^(-28) [m2]
    6. σel: 3.650*10^(-28) [m2]
    7. n0: 0.1811*10^6*(6.02214076*10^23)/0.23504393 [1/m3]
    8. r0: 4.5/100 [m]
    9. vneut: 1.4*10^7 [m/s]







      1. エネルギ放出(TNT-ton換算)
        出展: Student-level numerical simulation of conditions inside an exploding fission-bomb core; Bruce Cameron Reed; Department of Physics Alma College, Alma, USA
      3. 反応度変数(criticality parameter)
        出展: Student-level numerical simulation of conditions inside an exploding fission-bomb core; Bruce Cameron Reed; Department of Physics Alma College, Alma, USA
      5. 反応度変数 vs. コア半径
        出展: Student-level numerical simulation of conditions inside an exploding fission-bomb core; Bruce Cameron Reed; Department of Physics Alma College, Alma, USA
      7. 核分裂率
      8. 出展: Student-level numerical simulation of conditions inside an exploding fission-bomb core; Bruce Cameron Reed; Department of Physics Alma College, Alma, USA
      9. コア圧力
      10. 出展: Student-level numerical simulation of conditions inside an exploding fission-bomb core; Bruce Cameron Reed; Department of Physics Alma College, Alma, USA


  •  高速核分裂反応装置(要は核爆〇)の反応を点対称な球体とみなして1D化した数理モデルの論文を見つけたのを機に,シミュレーションモデルを作成してみた.動作し,定性的な時間応答は元論文に類似したものとなっているものの,定量的には様々乖離がみられるものとなった.恐らく計算に用いた定数/parameterに誤りがある事が疑われる.

